How To Repurpose Fabric To Create Small Farmhouse Artwork

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Ever found yourself staring at a pile of leftover fabric, wondering what to do with it?

Well, I recently found myself in that exact situation after reupholstering an old footstool. Instead of letting those scraps go to waste, I decided to create another DIY project. The best part? This project is so simple that whether you're a DIY newbie or a seasoned pro, you will enjoy it!

In this blog, I will show you How To Repurpose Thrifted Fabric To Create Small Farmhouse Artwork

Below is a list of the items you will need to recreate this project: 

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When I was sifting through the bins at Goodwill I came across this wooden small sign. I grabbed it for my stash because I knew it would be a great base piece for a future DIY project!

Since I had this cream fabric leftover from the footstool project, I decided to use it for this little farmhouse decor piece.

First, I made sure the fabric would fit on the front of the wood square.

Once I knew it would fit, I used my hot glue gun to apply glue all over the top of the piece.

Then, I laid the fabric back down onto the hot glue and gave it a minute to dry.

Next, I used my scissors to trim around the edges so that there was not excess fabric hanging off.

Then, I used sandpaper to sand the edges. This gave the fabric a nice frayed look that I really like.

Since the fabric had a farmhouse look to it, I decided to use the IOD Mercantile stamp collection because it has an adorable rooster stamp.

First, I laid the stamp down on a thin mount.

Next, I applied IOD Stone Gray ink to an Empty Ink Pad.

Then, I inked up the rooster stamp, flipped over the thin mount and centered the stamp in the middle of the piece.

Then, I lifted up the thin mount and that was it! This small farmhouse inspired artwork piece turned out SO good.

Are you ready to create your own? Be sure to share a photo and tag me on social media [@juliesdesignsandsigns] so I can see what you create.

This blog is all about How To Repurpose Fabric To Create Small Farmhouse Artwork

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